Recognized by Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council,
Affiliated to TN Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Chennai
23 Nov 2024

Symposium on Facility Based Newborn Care and Premature Care

Symposium on "Facility Based Newborn Care and Premature Care"

National Newborn Care Awareness, Week World Prematurity Day NOVEMBER- 2024 On behalf of Child health nursing Department we observed National Newborn Care Awareness Week and World Prematurity Day on 23.11.24 - with the theme of Safety, Quality and Nurturing care – Birth Right of Every Newborn" and Access to quality care everywhere!”.at Lecture Hall- III.

The nurses who are next to the mother's womb are what the baby relies on. As mentioned in above quotes every term neonate and tiny neonate health is in the hands of
nurses. To forward and implement the same we stepped down to mold the students to learn the art of caring neonate. This initiative aims to highlight the critical importance of newborn care during the first days and weeks of life, a time when infants are most vulnerable. So to enrich their knowledge, we have conducted symposium regarding ‘Facility based newborn care’ with the following objectives,

o Developing attitudes towards the care of term and preterm newborn
o Gaining knowledge in emergency triage
o Comprehending immediate care of newborn
o Describing hypothermia and management of hypothermia
o Demonstrating skill in fluid management
o Exhibiting knowledge in meeting nutritional needs of newborn
o Controlling infection
o Handling sick newborn.

Sessions were started at 9.15 am and completed around 4.10pm. 46 members of V semester B.Sc., Nursing students were the beneficiary, we staff members Mrs. Jothilakshmi .K Associate professor in OBG, Mrs. Sowmiya Assistant professor in pediatrics, Ms. Anjali, Ms. Srinathi .S Tutors along with students speakers from III year B.Sc., Nursing discussed their respective topics. We received feedback from the participants, stated that sessions were useful and creative, active participation of listener, awaiting for sessions like this. They expressed in need of skill based training for the same topics in future. Gained knowledge and a positive attitude towards care of newborn.